Blogs & Open Letters

Sydney’s blogs are longer pieces of writing that are designed to educate about a particular topic, often related to trans and queer issues, activism, and advocacy. The open letters are typically directed towards a particular person/organization, and/or in response to an event, anniversary, or awareness day.

Unsure about some of the terms that Sydney uses in nir writing? Check out nir GLOSSARY.

Blog Sydney BC Blog Sydney BC

The Prevalence of Pronouns (Blog)

Between May and August 2024, I engaged in a self-study where I noted every time people used pronouns and/or gendered/gender neutral language in reference to me. This blog discusses the results of the self-study to demonstrate the frequency of pronouns.

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Blog Sydney BC Blog Sydney BC

Apologies: How, When, and Why? (Blog)

This blog will discuss the anatomy of a true apology, which includes an acknowledgement of the harm, should center the person harmed, should not include a goal of forgiveness, and should have a commitment to changed behaviour.

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Blog Sydney BC Blog Sydney BC

No Space for Hate (Blog)

This blog will discuss the September 20 protests in Canada, and break down some of the common myths and arguments used by the anti-SOGI crowd.

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Blog Sydney BC Blog Sydney BC

First, They Came for Trans Youth (Blog)

This blog discusses how anti-trans movements are targeting those who are most vulnerable — trans youth — and how this will spill over into other minoritized communities, unless we stop it.

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